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Communicating with customers training in Plymouth

/// Intended For:

This training course highlights the important aspects of customer relationships and provides delegates with the skills and knowledge to foster positive interactions with every customer they come into contact with.

This Communicating with Customers training will help develop anyone that comes into contact with customers. Whether that is via the telephone or on a face to face basis.

/// Objectives

Customers are the key element of any thriving organisation and if you don't keep them satisfied, they will simply go elsewhere for the products and services you provide. It's a simple fact, but one that is so often overlooked by organisations and the people who work for them.

This training session will provide participants with the skills, knowledge and awareness necessary to display a positive approach when communicating with customers.

  • Understanding Our Customers - A review of the types of customers we have, why they buy from us and their 'journey' with our organisation

  • Customer Expectations - An exploration of what makes a good customer experience and why

  • Communication Process - A clear structure for communicating with customers with a self-assessment on how well each participant fulfils this requirement

  • Gathering Information - A look into the best approach to gain information from a customer including Questioning and Listening skills

  • Managing Difficult Situations - Looking at methods of turning problems into solutions that benefit the customer
  • By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

    1. Understand their customers and their needs
    2. Follow a clear process for communicating with customers
    3. Use Questioning and Listening skills effectively with customers
    4. Effectively manage difficult situations with customers

    Plymouth Time Mangement testimonials

    H.H. - CLUB WIFI

    "The course has been really good and allowed me to realise weak areas that need improvement and practice".


    "I need to disseminate this information to our staff!".

    M.C. - EDT

    "Made me think about how to approach customers".


    "I now understand how to deal with customers effectively".

    Communicating with Customers
